Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Journey: Why leave?

When we took off on our journey the question most asked by family and friends was why? Why leave Springfield? By all accounts we were living a good life. We had good jobs, well regarded by the local powers, lived in a very nice apartment building. Springfield, Illinois is a government, political town. As the state capital of Illinois, the Governor, the state legislature, agency directors, and lobbyists were all located there. We were comfortable, both of us had ran for public office. I had served on the Peoria County Board and had several appointments by Presidents and Governors. Both of us served on government and community boards.

Why were we leaving? Our basic answer was that we had a belief in our skills and talent that we could go anywhere in America and make a living. It was after we were on the road a few days that we begin to really understand. I think the first inkling was in a cheap hotel after we had been on the road for three days. We noticed that we had not heard a phone ring in days. We started laughing. We couldn't remember a day not hearing a phone.

That's when we understood why we left. The feeling of freedom to take choices we make, not on what we were allowed to do or according to choices given us by others. It was exciting and scary. No family support network or friends. The two of us, our minds and prayers in a vast land filled with strangers.

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