Sunday, April 29, 2007

America does not need made up heroes.

America is full of real heroes. She does not need to make them up. There are many different types of heroes. There are those that do a heroic act in war, during disasters, and responding to circumstances of accidents. Then there are those unsung heroes who meet the challenges of daily living in an unforgiving world for their children, for their future and hopes. The media does not make heroes. The media shows the actions of ordinary people reacting to extraordinary situations that create heroes.

In Vietnam during combat daily heroic acts kept most men alive. Someone who charged the enemy without regard to their personal danger, threw their bodies on a grenade to protect their fellow soldiers, or exposed themselves to enemy fire to drag a wounded man to safety. Acts done with no thought of being a hero but because something someone had to do at that moment to save lives. Someone who was willing to give up their life so others men could live. No thoughts of the consequence just the act that needed to be done. I was a corpsman with a Marine long range recon unit. When a man was wounded my only thought was to get to him as soon as possible no matter what was happening around me. Part of it was my training to respond, it was my job. Facing death continuously was not part of the job description. Yet, when a man yelled “Doc, I’m hit” without thinking I ran or crawled to him. I was scared, though fear screamed in my mind I didn’t hesitant. The need to help overrode the fear. There were times I didn’t know how I survived. No matter how often it happened, I was ready to do it again. To some these actions would be considered heroic acts, or just crazy, to me and men I served with it was my job.

Mother’s and fathers are heroes. They face a world everyday they have no control over to feed, clothe, and protect their children from harm. Some days it seems impossible but they make it to the next day to meet new challenges. They strive to give tomorrows to their children. The personal sacrifices, the pain, the suffering they endure quietly most of the time. For most it is their love and job.

America is who she is today because of her heroes. Some we know about, most we don’t. After most heroic acts, heroes look forward to a normal life. There is no hero’s life style. The heroic act happens at a time and place, one of many events that happen in a life.

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